Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Fool's Game?

Sometimes I question all that has been placed before me...I used to have a very strong faith. I know God is real, I have experienced his/her/it's presence numerous times in my life...I have tried to stop believing in a greater power because I feel as if I have been abandoned during the most difficult trials; and yet, always, there is that "still small voice" urging me to go on, to continue, to not give up...this is my destiny.

Just moved to a new city...Spokane...beautiful, clean, people are friendly, the weather is awesome...I sit outside and watch the deer, the wild turkey, the quail, the frogs, the plants, and watch the clouds pass by, and think, there has GOT to be a bigger plan, bigger than me, bigger than my fear, my worries, my concern about what the future challenges will be...I must embrace the notion that if "he brings you to it, he will bring you through it."

I think at some point in time I will have to share more details about my life so readers can truly understand what it is I am wrestling with, but I may need to reformat the blog to protect the identity of the "characters" in my life's play. If I wrote my "story," no one would believe it, which leads me to consider writing it anyway. Seeking peace and prosperity in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

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